Showing posts with label Calamansi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calamansi. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Calamansi and Honey Juice - A Natural Way to Cure Cough and Colds

October 18, 2016 0 Comments

When I was still a kid, my grandmother would make us Calamansi and Honey juice whenever we have a cough, colds, or both. It's natural and effective in our experience... Now that I became a mother, as much as I wanted to, I don't like my daughter to take a lot of medicines especially Antibiotics or Antibacterial medicines, but there's always an exception if worst comes to worst. If possible I try to make juices out of natural products like Calamansi and Honey

Both Honey and Calamansi have antibacterial and antiviral properties and calamansi is high in Vitamin C which is good for boosting our immune system. I don't have to worry about letting my daughter drink calamansi and honey juice because it's natural and proven to be effective, in our experience. Unless your kid is allergic to any of the two, then you shouldn't let them take it.

Recently, Miel had a cough and colds, so, we bought calamansi and honey. It's actually my first time to buy honey in the supermarket and it's also our first time to try the Mt. Apo Honey which is actually made in here Davao. We usually buy honey from our neighbor before but we just moved far away from the place we used to live, so I opted to buy honey in the supermarket instead. ;)

Anyway, I made Calamansi and Honey juice for my Miel and I hope her cough will be gone soon...