Showing posts with label Flower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flower. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mammillaria Beneckei a.k.a. Fish Hook Cactus Flower

August 12, 2019 2 Comments
Hello everyone! My Mammillaria Beneckei a.k.a. Fish Hook Cactus has already bloomed and the color of it's flower is... Yellow! It's my first time to see it's beauty since I last blogged about it in year 2017. I've been waiting for my fishhook cactus to bloom and it took 2 years for it to mature and finally had its flower. Yay! :)

Before it Bloomed...

I can't help to stare at it for so long because it's beauty is captivating. It's flower didn't last long by the way, it only bloomed for one day... But I am thankful, I have seen its beauty, hopefully its offspring will also bloom soon. :)

By the way, here's my previous blog post about Mammillaria Beneckei a.k.a. Fish Hook Cactus.