Showing posts with label Vlogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vlogs. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020

Why Your Comments are Marked as Spam on YouTube and Tips on How to Avoid it

August 03, 2020 2 Comments
Why Your Comments are Marked as Spam on YouTube and Tips on How to Avoid it - Mama Miah Vlogs

Have you been constantly commenting on YouTube and wonder why your comments aren't showing up on the comment section of the YouTube video you had commented on? It's more likely that your comments went to "SPAM" and that is why it isn't showing in the comments section.

So, why are your comments marked as "Spam" on YouTube?

If you want to know why then watch this video so you will have an idea what are the usual comments that are marked as spam and what you can do in the future to avoid your comments being sent to the "Likely Spam" section.

If you have seen the video, you would notice that some of the comments on the "Likely Spam" section are very short and most likely they are copy-paste. 

Here are some examples of common words or comments that will usually go to the Likely Spam:

Example of Comments that are MARKED as SPAM on YOUTUBE - MAMA MIAH

The examples shown above are based on my observation while I was checking my Likely Spam comments. If you have something to add or anything to say, please leave a comment below and I'd be happy to know about your thoughts on this.

I hope you learned something in this post and if you like my video, please like, subscribe and hit the notification bell to be updated on my upcoming vlogs. Thank you. :)

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